Tuesday, January 17, 2012

happy birthday shirley!

a great big ole birthday cake for shirley!

hughes is 16!

i thought this was a neat idea for a 16th birthday!! thanks tonia :0)

two dozen turkeys

two dozen cutie pie turkeys for thanksgiving.

2 birthdays, 2 cakes

when celebrating 2 birthdays, of course you need to cakes!
for bo and maeson.
both of these were se much fun to make!

tom, jerry, and jon wesley

this is clark's favorite! i think i will make him one for his birthday!!

funky thirteen!

josie is 13! she celebrated with this funky zebra print cake and cupcakes!!

happy day!

i think it is such a lovely idea to surprise your sugar with a flower covered cake! i love to get flowers..
but flowers AND cake!!  so sweet.
6 in pound cake with yummy buttercream